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The Whistle of China mesmerizes the Zengcheng audience


On June 17, a series of activities titled The Whistle of China was held in the Zengcheng district of Guangzhou. In the morning, an activity called Whistle in Orchard, Journey with Intangible Cultural Heritage was held in Qingyise, an eco-friendly lychee orchard. In the lychee orchard, the whistle talents shared their skills and communicated with other Chinese intangible cultural heritage inheritors from all over the country, surrounded by the unique charm of lychee culture. In the afternoon, a salon called Whistle: The Art between Lips and Teeth was held in Zengcheng Wanda Plaza. In the salon, the whistle talents mesmerized the audience with their fabulous performances, popularizing the art of whistling among the locals.



文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 龚卫锋来源|羊城晚报·羊城派责编|王瑜瑛





· 2023-06-19 21:48:15

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